Network Marketing: "The Power Of The Coupon"

In my household the number 2 read is the Sunday Circulars. I want to know what's on sale and who has it for the cheapest. So I spend the day cutting out coupons and then I make my way to the stores whether I need something or not...

In this article I will UNCOVER how you can make more money with the coupon method...

The Bad News

I read that coupons drive spending. Most consumers wouldn't spend any money if it wasn't for the coupon. The article went on to say that people with coupons that were 20% off or less ended up spending more money in the long run. (The coupon drove them to feel more free with their money hence more spending)

The Good News

The Opt In Coupon:

You can implement this in your business. For starters we all should be using the free offer coupon on our websites. This is a free giveaway in exchange for their name and email address. And now you can email over and over again for as long as that subscriber is on your list.

The Bonus Coupon:

Most of us are selling a business model that someone else can simply buy from another distributor. Yet what stops them from doing that? It's your bonus! If you're sharing ton's of value, then your bonus can simply be access to you on a one on one basis.

* I personally introduce my list to a high ticket product and later on give it to them as a bonus.

The Discount Coupon:

Some people don't have the ability to change their companies entry price, yet maybe you don't have to start off promoting your basic product. Try starting off with the high ticket product and work down. Send them a series of emails that sells the launch of "The Discount".

The Up Sell Coupon:

Add more things to buy after the initial sale. Drop your price for them and watch your sells soar.

How I Do It?

Start off with a simple letter with a PayPal button on it for $1000 a hour for your consulting services. This builds your credibility and creates a image in the head of the subscriber of your worth. When you launch your primary business give this consulting for FREE. I choose consulting because you do not have to create a product and it's something you can add in your business today.

By the way, do you want to learn more about how I do it?

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