Network Marketing - How to Choose a Company

When choosing a company, I recommend looking for several things:

1 - Established company with established products. This means a company that has been in business long enough to have their feet wet, but not to have hit a plateau level on growth, at least in your area. Established products means that the company shouldn't be betting the future on something new just as you join.

2 - Good Leadership - Is the company run by solid people with solid reputations, skills, vision, leadership, integrity and honesty? Are the people you are going to be working with compatible with you? Can you get along with them? Are your goals similar? Do you have a vision match?

3 - Great Products - Can you get excited about the products? If not, pass on the company... no matter how good, established, well-paying, etc. If you cannot get excited, then how can you get someone else interested?

4 - Solid Marketing Plan - In other words, is there a path laid out for you to follow? Are the goals attainable? Does the pay plan make sense? Do they pay out as much as they say or is it all smoke and mirrors? Can you make the promotions? Is pay based on product sales as opposed to recruiting new people?

5 - Training - What kind of training does the company and/or the local leaders provide? Are they there to teach you or are you left to your own devices? Are there training programs, books, tapes, step-by-step guides? Network marketing has been called a self-development program with a pay plan. The better you get as a person (belief in skills, abilities, knowing where you are going, etc.) the better you get as a networker. And you get paid for that and to help others do the same.

Network marketing gets a bad rap by many uninformed people or ones that have been burned by unscrupulous companies or so-called leaders in the past. Often people will say, "I was in one of those for a couple of months and it didn't work!"

Right... couple of months and you weren't making $10,000 a month. It MUST be a scam!

Remember that most people will take 2-5 years to develop the kind of income that will allow them to walk away from their day jobs. That is approximately the same time it takes traditional businesses to become profitable, if they keep their doors open. You can keep your doors open as long as it takes.

Persistence is the key.

Where would you be right now if you had begun a networking business 3 years ago? Would you care if you were laid off tomorrow? Probably not. It would mean you could finally work your business full-time and REALLY start making some money!

It's not too late yet. Get started looking now!

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