If you are a network marketer, then using postcard marketing as an offline or traditional marketing method to attract new distributors into your team can be a great idea if done properly.
Even though we are in the realm of online or internet marketing to market our products and business opportunities, traditional marketing methods such as postcard marketing still work just fine. Such 'old school' methods may even work better than they used to in the past, for the simple fact that less people are now doing it with the rise of popularity of online methods. If less people are using postcard marketing to build their MLM business, then the chances of your message standing out above the crowd increase, and you may use this to your advantage to drive more people to your website, and generate more sales or signups.
Postcards are great because as opposed to long sales letters, they almost always get read. Because they are so small, the message you present is brief and to the point, so once read, people will almost instantly decide whether to recycle it, visit your website immediately, or whack it on the fridge and take a look later on.
One of the most important tips I can give to you in regards to postcard marketing, is to use it as a method to drive people to take further action, which in most cases these days is to visit a website to find out more. The whole process is a traffic generating strategy to first and foremost create desire in the receiver to want to know more, and the only sensible solution for them is to visit your website to decide whether or not your products and opportunity fir with their lifestyle and goals.
Here are some benefits of postcard marketing:
Simple And Easy - Postcards are usually one standard size, so once you have the parameters, it is really easy to create your own highly effective postcard for a mailing. The more simple and crude, usually the better, as it's not about having the fanciest postcard that will win design awards, it's all about highlighting the benefits so people visit your website and signup to your business opportunity.
Low Cost - Whether you print your own postcards, or have them professionally printed, cost per postcard is ridiculously cheap! Then once you have them printed, all that's left is to do is mail them, once again you may buy some stamps, slap them on and ship them out, or use a mail house that will do this for you at a marginal cost. With the right targeting, cost per lead/signup is affordable at best.
Results Speak For Themselves - Because it takes next to no time to design, print, and send postcards, you may see results extremely quickly and can scale your efforts exponentially with the use of full service mail houses. By all means you can continue to do it all yourself to save on costs, but if you want to experience massive results, with minimal effort, and most bang for your buck, sometimes the smart move is to pay that little bit extra and cover as much ground as possible right away.
So if you are part of a multilevel marketing company (MLM), and are looking for a new way to market your business, don't overlook traditional marketing methods such as postcard marketing. You just might be pleasantly surprised by the results you get, just be sure to target people willing to consider network marketing or a new business opportunity as that is where you will see the best return on investment.
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Charles Allen II