When it comes to online business, one very popular choice that people seem to go for is MLM. MLM or "multi level marketing" is a unique kind of business model, and some people are making some really good money from it. But for the majority of people out there, they struggle to make a dime.
If you're in the MLM niche/business and you aren't making a lot of money, then I am almost certain that you were duped by the hype and hoopla surrounding this industry. No amount of motivational seminars will make you rich. You have to learn direct response marketing, and how to get people to sign up under you. But if you're like most MLM who have no idea of how to market correctly, the term "direct response marketing" is probably foreign to you.
In today's lesson, I want to go over some of the hype and non-truths that you may have been told, and why they are false. If you've been in the MLM game for some time now and you still haven't made a lot of money yet, then something needs to change. Here's the first thing that you have probably been told that isn't true:
1) Making money fast is easy in this business
Most of my friends who want to start a business online usually start off in the MLM field. What they don't realize is that MLM is a "business opportunity" income model. This means that all you're doing is promoting a business opportunity - and this is one of the hardest forms selling known to man.
So what you wind up with is a group of people selling other people a business opportunity that they haven't even made money from. In fact, approaching people in the streets, malls, gyms, and even restaurants to get people to sign up to your program is the MOST ineffective forms of marketing online. I'm willing to go one step further and say that cold calling is more effective than this.
So no, making money ISN'T fast in this business. You will have to put your work in, hassle friends and family, not have a website, drive around a lot, attend motivational seminars, host your own "family seminars", and a ton of other things. It's hard work. Here's something else that isn't true:
2) You have to join now "or else"...
This is utter nonsense. There are so many MLM programs online and offline that you can take as much time as you want when it comes to selecting a program for you. You don't have to join now. 6 months down the road you will see that the same MLM program is still saying, "You have to join now". I've seen this before.
You don't have to join now. But if you want a successful MLM business, then you will need to learn internet marketing NOW, and even pick a different business model to operate in. You should consider information marketing, and selling information products. It's the ultimate lifestyle business.
Take these 2 MLM ideologies and make sure to take the right course of action to make money for yourself.
Good luck with your MLM success today.
Who am I?
Hey Charles Allen here, thanks for checking out my web page.
I am 35 years old and have been making a full time income reviewing products online. I pride myself in providing visitors and readers with completely unbiased and honest reviews.
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Take care.
Charles Allen II